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How to know Income Traffic Alexa Rank of any website

Today there are millions of websites on the Internet, but the question is why websites and blogs are made, so today I will tell you about this topic. There are so many websites on the internet, so many of these websites work like a website website tool and the rest of the website works like a blog.
 You must have a question in your mind that what is a blog. So I will tell you in detail about the blog today.
blog earning

What is Blog

In the past, books were written diaries and stories, people used to spread their talent to the people through books and magazines and newspapers, but in the modern times, internet is available which can be used to get any information and any information. Is used to provide information.
  Internet today is used to get information by accessing websites and creating information by creating blogs or websites.
On a blog, people write posts or articles on their favorite subject every day or in the month, or those articles are accessed through Google and other search engines. This article will make the work of people easier and other types of Are meant to get information.
And when people access a blog or website, they see advertisements along with information as well as advertising. The most advertised company is Google Adsense and when visitors click on those ads or only see them, those ads get money from the block and the owner of the website, the more visitors will be on the block the more ads will appear on the block and According to them, visitors will see those ads by clicking on them. According to the number of clicks on the advertisement, the owner of the blog will get paid.
Our topic today is that,

How much earn from Blogging:

The more traffic that visitors have on a blog, the more revenue means money.

How much traffic comes on the website:

To know how much traffic or visitors come to the website and how much money comes to the website, you have to copy the URL of any website or put or behind that URL. Eg. So a new website opens, on that website, complete information about this blog or website is displayed, such as how much the rank of that website or blog is in the whole world and the visitors get so many visitors every day on the principles and that block is less money Arrives.
earn from blogging

I hope that you have known how much traffic comes on the website or blog and how many banks it has in the whole world and how much money that people make every day. If you have any problem in understanding the above information, then you can give your opinion in the comment below.
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